Even if you do your very best to be safe at work, you could still be unknowingly at risk for a serious injury. Some risk factors are simply out of your control. Workplace violence is a real and growing threat not just to your safety, but also to the safety of all workers in Iowa.
Like most people, you might associate workplace injuries with things like falls or faulty equipment. However, any injury you suffer while on the job typically counts as a workplace injury. This includes acts of violence like assault.
Is workplace violence really a problem?
Like any other type of workplace accident, violence while on the job can lead to serious injury or even death. Acts of workplace violence also have different outcomes in male and female workers. According to the National Safety Council, women suffer 70% of all nonfatal assault injuries. Men suffer 81% of fatal assaults in the workplace.
The NSC also reported that workplace deaths are on the rise. In 2016, fatalities related to on-the-job injuries increased 7.3%. The organization cited increased instances of workplace violence, falls and transportation issues as some of the reasons behind the increase.
Should I be afraid to go to work?
Statistically, you are probably safer at work than you are in your own home. However, this does not erase the real and troubling risks that you might face while working. Falls are still a common cause of worker injuries, particularly in the construction industry. While data does suggest that workers are experiencing fewer falls overall, hundreds of thousands of people still suffer injuries annually.
In 2016, 956 construction workers died because of work-related accidents. This makes construction the most deadly industry to work in. Whether facing risks from falls, violence or more, these workers might understandably want to know what their options are for dealing with possible injuries.
Compensation can be crucial for recovery
Some injuries require extensive time, care and treatment. If you were injured at work, you know how important your recovery is. Unfortunately, you also know that the bills will not magically pay themselves as you focus on your health. You may even feel tempted to return to work before you are ready, which could ultimately result in a worsened condition or another injury. This is where workers’ compensation benefits come in.
Whether you were hurt in an act of workplace violence or a serious accident, workers’ compensation can help bridge the financial gap during your recovery. This includes compensation for things like a portion of your lost wages and all of your work injury related medical bills. Getting the benefits you deserve is not always easy though, and the appeals process can be confusing and overwhelming. For this reason, many injured workers choose to work with an experienced attorney who demystifies an otherwise confusing process.